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A logo with the letters NRCS and the words "Natural Resources Conservation Service" underneath, with a water droplet graphic.
A logo with mountains, a river, a bridge, and text "UMPQUA Soil & Water Conservation District".






A logo with text "Oregon Department of Agriculture" and a stylized graphic symbolizing agricultural landscapes.
Logo of "Partnership for the Umpqua Rivers," featuring mountains, a bird, a fish, and text.
It's a logo with a white trillium flower, text "Native Plant Society of Oregon," and "Founded 1961."







Logo for "Douglas County Noxious Weed Advisory Board" with an illustration of a weed.
This is the emblem of the US Forest Service, with a pine tree and text "FOREST SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE."



Oregon State University Extension Service logo with a shield, fish, tree, and graduation cap.







Logo with a sunflower above "FARM TO SCHOOL" text, symbolizing agricultural education/connection.




Logo of "Umpqua Native Plant Partnership" with a stylized green leaf design.


A logo with a green silhouette of Douglas County outlined, featuring pine trees and the text "Douglas County."
The image is a logo for Oregon Fish & Wildlife, featuring fish and deer silhouettes.


A logo with a mountain, river, and tree, representing the Bureau of Land Management under the U.S. Department of the Interior.




Circular emblem with text "OAK PARK PARTNERS," acorns in the center, and green oak leaves.


A logo with a stylized red phoenix above the text "Phoenix School of Roseburg."


U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service emblem with a flying duck and leaping fish against a sunset and water.








A logo of Douglas County Livestock Assoc. with stylized text inside a shield and wheat imagery.
The logo of the Farm Service Agency (FSA), with stylized letters and shapes in blue and yellow.


A logo that reads "PACIFIC BIRDS HABITAT JOINT VENTURE" with a stylized bird above.